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Food – Matchmaking Canadian food brands & producers | virtual event
Jun 16, 16:00
-Jun 24, 19:30
(UTC+02:00) Europe/AmsterdamFree
The trend is shifting towards an increasing demand on healthy food options and therefore this event. An online Matchmaking in collaboration with British Colombia. This Event will focuss on heath-food products as demand is expected to grow within coming years – e.g. the “free from” category is expected to increase further and(partially) replace their traditional counterpart non “free from”.
Partner up with Canadian brands & food manufactures to kick-start your business.
Prior to the Matchmaking you can join our webinars where you will learn about the free from food industry and tips & tricks when doing business with Canadian suppliers. Your opportunity to get all the insight information you need to be successful in the “free from category” and with your Canadian business partner(s).
Anticipate now and join our digital Matchmaking, free of charge, and be ahead of the competition! Safe the date and apply, exact times will follow soon!!
This event is sponsered by British Colombia.
CLICK HERE to view the profiles of the Canadian participants
How does the matchmaking work?
- Sign up for the event
- Click on Start making meetings
After having acces to the event:
- Complete your profile at personal settings
- Add Opportunities, which are your Offered product(s)/service(s)
- Click on Request meeting to show your interest in a distributor/producer
- Export Partner will make the final matches and your personal agenda will be available at Agenda in your exportpartner.online account
- Click on; MY ATTENDANCE to join the webinars and Q&A’s.
What are the costs?
Free of charge